Earlier this month, Media Sonar’s COO Anne-Marie Moore and Product Manager Rob Murray were invited as mystery guests for eChannel’s MasterChat Episode #4. Watch the full discussion below.
We talked about several ways in which an MSP can easily expand its Managed Services. With so much technology on the market, the options are wider and deeper than ever. Beyond the obvious like Cyber Security, every MSP can probably review and rethink their current stack of services to add incremental MRR. We also talked about leveraging current customers versus finding new clients. When you focus on building out services to the left and right of your current services, revenues and profitability increase. We also talked about outsourcing some services that you are not skilled up for at the moment.
The big elephant in the room is offering deeper and wider digital transformation services. Building a practice around RPA solutions is a great way to start. Spinning up your ecosystem of partners to help you deliver on digital transformation generates higher levels of stickiness with your customers. Think out of the box to explore and bring new technologies to your clients. Becoming that digital transformation advisor seems to be the goal moving forward.